What's To See. . .

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Pineapple & Coconut Pudding

This tastes more like a pineapple cake and I can't really taste any coconut, maybe one could add some desiccated coconut next time.  But it's sooooo tasty, especially served with cream poured all over. :)

The recipe is actually a cake, but I used a glass dish and baked it like a dessert, 'cause cake tins can't be put into the dishwasher. ;)

175g cake flour (I used wholewheat normal flour and it worked perfectly)
10ml baking powder
150g castor sugar
95ml sunflower oil
75ml coconut milk
2 eggs, separated
1 lemon's grated zest
1 can crushed pineapple pieces, drained and juice reserved

  • mix flour, baking powder and sugar into mixing bowl.  Mix oil and coconut milk in a separate bowl
  • add egg yolks and lemon zest to coconut mixture.  Fold into dry ingredients and add pineapple pieces
  • beat egg whites until stiff and fold into cake batter.  Pour into baking tin (or glass dish) and bake for 40 mins, or until skewer comes out clean.
  • 30ml pineapple juice
  • 30ml golden syrup
  • 125ml coconut milk
          Mix together and heat to luke warm.  Pour over cake when you take it out of oven.

Serve hot or cold.
Yum yum yum!

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