What's To See. . .

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Mashed Potato Salad

This is one of my all time favourite things EVER!  This is where I decided to combined 2 of my favourite dishes (mashed potato and potato salad) into 1 delicious 'tato dish that's now even better. :)

This isn't a precise recipe, you just add everything depending on your taste.  But I usually make as big a batch as my largest cooking pot can hold, and even then it only lasts no more than 2 days with me and my husband.

+- 6 medium potatoes, peeled and sliced into 1/4 inch slices for quicker cooking
at least 2 tbs butter
salt to taste
5-6 dessert spoons full tangy mayo
1 small to medium onion, very finely chopped

1.   Add potatoes to pot, fill with water to just cover them, add a glug of olive oil on top to help control the foam, and boil until potatoes are very soft and ready for mashing.  Pour out any left over water
2.   Add salt and butter to taste, and mash those 'tatoes with a potato masher until mixed well
3.   Add the onions and mash again until mixed well
4.   Finally add the mayo (again, to taste) and mash some more until it's mixed well and creamy-looking

And after that arm workout, you get to be the first privileged one to taste your amazing potato creation.  I like it best when it's still warm....it's almost better than chocolate.  I said almost.

I like the onion very finely chopped so that you don't get big chunks of onion in one bite, and no onion at all in the next. 

Enjoy!!  :D

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