What's To See. . .

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Helloooo and Welcome!

I've decided to set up this new blog dedicated solely to delectable, tempting, indulgent, heavenly, delightful foods. :)

I love food.   And I mean, I REALLY love food, especially sweet goodies.  I'm also trying to live a healthier lifestyle by eating healthier and cutting out all those hidden (and not so hidden) nasty ingredients in many of our foods today.

SO,  what you'll find here are also some recipes that I've modified and tweaked a tad so that they're not only delectable, tempting, indulgent, heavenly and delightful, BUT healthier as well!  You can find my healthy foods (or, at least, healthier options) in my Healthy Delights category, where I often try to cram as much nutrition and healthiness as I can, into everything I make.

I am also vegetarian, so you'll find no meat ingredients around here.  And although I'm not fully vegan, I'm trying to incorporate as many vegan options into my diet as well, so you'll find a few vegan recipes here too.

Well I'm glad you stopped by, and I hope you too can learn how to enjoy your food in a healthier way. :)

Oh, and WARNING!! - of course there will be some wickedly delectable, tempting, indulgent, heavenly and delightful receipes that are not so nutritionally beneficial....but we all need a taste of those every now again.  ;)

P.S.  If you have any healthy tips for sugar-free, gluten-free, preservative-free, additive-free or even vegan options, please do share!  :)
Aaaand, if you're crafty inclined, I have a craft blog too, Naturally Me Creations. :)

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