What's To See. . .

Recipes - Baby Food

 ***Consult with your paediatrician / health care provider before giving your baby any new foods.  I just provide food ideas for baby - it's up to you to make sure they're age-appropriate for your baby and that it's safe for your baby to eat ***

I've been making Aidan's meals since he started eating solids, since I've never thought it a good idea to have baby's diet consist of bottled food - fresh is best!  So here are meals I've been preparing for him.  All foods have been cooked with steaming (sometimes boiled or baked if needed), but NO microwaving.

The following recipes are free from sugar, wheat, preservatives, additives, eggs & nuts (some do contain dairy)  

Simple mashed foods:
  • mashed banana
  • banana & papaya mash
  • banana, apple sauce & papaya mash (homemade apple sauce: peel apples, steam until soft, blend with water from steamer to keep the nutrients, store in fridge) 
  • banana, papaya, apple sauce mash, with a little plain greek yoghurt
  • mashed papaya with greek yoghurt
  • mashed avocado
  • avocado & steamed potato mashed - this is surprisingly good!
  • mashed butternut
  • mashed sweet potato
  • mashed baby marrows
  • butternut & baby marrows mashed together
  • gem squash

More than just mashed foods:
  • banana ice-cream (with banana whipped cream)  ~ or just process frozen banana chunks until you have smooth soft serve and eat right away, mmm
  • steamed potato, chopped into bite sizes for baby, dipped in greek yoghurt & chive dip, (with or without cream cheese/full fat smooth cottage cheese mixed in as well for extra creaminess)

Self feeding foods:
  • peas (if frozen, defrost with boiling water, don't microwave)
  • grapes cut in half or quartered
  • steamed carrot cut into sticks suitable for baby to hold and self feed

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