What's To See. . .

Monday, November 25, 2013

Mushroom & Rice Bake with Cheese

I'm not the best food photographer, but this dish is soooooo good & tasty, I'll definitely make this again, and it's easy too which is important for me. :)

coconut oil for frying
400g brown mushrooms, chopped up
1 large onion, well chopped
1 1/2 cups cooked brown rice
2 eggs
1 cup smooth cottage cheese
1/2 cup sour cream
1/2 tsp himalayan salt
1/4 tsp pepper
1/3 - 1/2 cup grated cheddar (or whatever cheese you like)
  • heat over to 180 degree C.  Get a baking dish ready of more or less 9x13 in.
  • heat oil and fry mushrooms with some salt to taste.  Stir now and again until mushrooms have released their liquid and have browned a bit
  • add onion and cook for about 5 mins until they're translucent, then remove from heat and add cooked rice - mix well
  • in another bowl, whisk together eggs, cottage cheese,sour cream & salt.
  • combine egg mix with rice mixture and mix to combine well, then pour into baking dish
At this point, this dish is actually ready to eat just as is!  It's delicious and if you're in a hurry or whatever, you don't even need to do any further steps - in fact I don't think I will next time - if I do this though I'll leave out he egg, I see no reason why that can't be left out entirely.
  • sprinkle cheese on top, cover with tin foil & bake for 30 mins
 Yum yum yum is all I can say . . .

Banana Cinnamon Smoothie

3 large bananas
1 cup rice milk
2 dessert spoons greek yoghurt
few shakes cinnamon (however much you like)

Blend together, enjoy.  :)

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Cottage Cheese Salad

This is a quick & healthy lunch option on it's own, or it can be used as a side dish.
Ingredients: tomato, cucumber, plain chunky cottage cheese, himalayan salt to taste, (and pepper if you like, or spices if you prefer).

Add as much of each ingredient as you like, but more salad & less cheese would probably be more favourable for weight loss if that's what you're after. :)

Fruity Ice Pops

I thought I'd try make some healthy ice pops - actually my first ice pops too! 
I made watermelon & pineapple ice pops.  I juiced the watermelon in a juicer because I didn't want any seeds in the pop, but for other fruit I would use my blender/smoothie maker.

I did the watermelon first and let it freeze for about an hour before I added the pineapple.

I must say the fruit loses a bit of their flavour when frozen, mostly the watermelon but even the pineapple too, so next time I'd substitute watermelon for other fruits with stronger flavours, like mango or kiwi and see how they turn out.

These are good for a hot day. :)

After making banana icecream, I would even try a layer of banana in the ice pops, and the banana doesn't lose any of it's flavour at all when frozen.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Chickpeas in Spiced Tomato Sauce with Couscous

I discovered another keeper last night, a tasty spicy chickpea dish, and I can't wait to make it again. :)

3 tbs organic coconut oil
1 cup finely chopped onion (I added at least 1 1/2 cups - I love onion)
1 tsp finely grated fresh ginger
3/4 tsp ground cumin
3/4 tsp ground coriander
1/4 tsp cayenne pepper (or 1/2 tsp if you like it uber spicy)
1/4 tsp ground turmeric
1 cup finely chopped fresh tomato (I added maybe 1/2 tomato more - I love 'mato)
1 tsp salt
2 1/2 cups cooked drained chickpeas
1/2 tsp curry powder
1 tsp fresh lemon juice
  • heat pan, add oil, and when hot, fry onion until soft
  • add ginger and stir once
  • add first 4 spices and stir once
  • add tomato and stir for a minute
  • add 1 cup water and salt, bring to boil, cover, reduce heat and simmer for 10 mins
  • add chickpeas, bring to boil, cover, reduce heat and simmer for 15 mins
  • add curry powder and lemon juice, stir, cover and simmer another 5 mins
  • serve on couscous (or rice if you like)

It only serves about 2 large or 3 smaller portions.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Banana Ice-Cream with Banana Whipped Cream

It's Aidan's 1st b'day next month and I've been searching for a healthy birthday cake idea for him.  I haven't introduced any sugar to him yet and am trying to give him the healthiest meals I can.

Well, I just couldn't find a cake that met my criteria - either they had sugar in them, or I tried to substitute the sugar for something else healthier and it didn't work out, or I tried a sugar-free cake and it didn't turn out good, so I was disappointed that I couldn't find a healthy b'day cake!

Then I found someone online who made banana ice-cream - I tried it and it turned out really well. :D  And then elsewhere I found another recipe for banana cream - all I changed here was to sub stevia for sugar and leave out vanilla essence because I didn't have one without some nasty ingredients in it, and it's so tasty. :)

So here's my practice round for Aidan's b'day "cake" . . .
How cute is that? :D

All you do is freeze a ripe banana - just don't use an overly ripe one whose skin has already gone black - the ice-cream will taste bitter (I used such a banana 'cause I was so impatient to try out this ice-cream to see if it works, that I used the only banana I had on hand).  The recipe also said not to use a green banana, because it will make for a "green" tasting ice-cream.
  • peel banana, chop banana into bite size chunks (I used 1 1/2 banana for this single size serving)
  • freeze for 2 hours
  • put in a food processor and blend until it turns creamy
When you start blending it will look all crumbly, but eventually (less than a minute) it suddenly turns creamy and ice-cream texture-y.  If it sticks to the sides of the food processor, just scrape it down back onto the blades and keep blending.

Then it's basically ready to eat!  It's so creamy, and really good actually.  This must be one of the healthiest ice-creams ever!

I put the ice-cream into a mini silicone mould though, 'cause I wanted something that looks more like a "cake" with some shape instead of a bowl of ice-cream, so I froze it for another few hours - I accidentally forgot about it and so don't know how long it was in the freezer for, but I froze it until it was quite hard.

To get it out I loosened the edges of the mould and ran the bottom of the mould under warm water to get it loose, and it came out easily.
Next time I'll just make sure to press the ice-cream down nicely into the mould, but it doesn't matter, it's getting covered by cream. :)

As for the cream, here's what you need (this is WAYYY more than you need for a little baby dessert, so use less if you don't like to eat the cream throughout the day). :)

1 cup fresh cream
15 drops liquid stevia
1/2 banana, mashed REALLY well until it's almost liquid with no chunks in it (add more banana if you want it more banana-y)
  • add stevia and whip until stiff - make it as stiff as you like it
  • mix in banana by hand, or for just 1 second mix it with your blender - you don't want to over-whip the cream
  • scoop into ice-cream
Serve immediately.  Hope it turns out this good on his b'day!
A cute little "cake" that baby can make a yummy mess with. :)  You'll probably have to feed the ice-cream to him with a spoon though.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Scrambled Eggs with Cheese & Avocado

Here's a recipe I found online and tried it this morning, and I'll definitely be making this fancy scrambled egg version again. :)

For 1 serving, this is what you'll need:

1/2 small onion (small onion = 2 inch onion)
2 eggs
1/2 cup grated cheese (I used cheddar)
1/2 an avocado
salt & pepper to taste
butter for frying

  • Heat up butter then fry onion until lightly browned
  • Beat eggs then add cheese and mix together
  • Pour eggs into pan and fry like normal scrambled eggs
  • When cooked, stir in chopped avo, plate up & munch
Ok so I overcooked my onion a little, which are the brown bits you see there.  It really is more appetizing than it looks in my pic. :)  I wouldn't have thought eggs & avo are a good combo, but surprise surprise...